Wednesday, December 7, 2011

6th Day Home

Ezra has been doing great this week. We had his doctors appointment on Monday and an eye appointment on Tuesday, all went well. He's been feeding every three hours and keeping me on my toes!  It is so great to have him home with us, we are loving every minute.

you can really see how tiny he is

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ezra is Coming Home Today!

It's official we are going to pick up Ezra in about 20 minutes! They told us earlier this week if everything went well and he had no more alarms, we would get to take him home on Friday. It's been 7 days and he is alarm free. Over the past 2 weeks he has really changed into a tiny newborn! I have never been happier or more excited for anything in my life. It has been an amazing and scary ride, but hopefully the scary part is over! We want to ask for your continued prayers and thoughts coming up since he will be home without any monitors. I'll definitely be updating the blog with new photos and stories to keep everyone updated since the doctors have instructed us to limit visitors and keep him home out of public places until spring time when cold/flu season has passed.  Unfortunately if he were to catch anything the chances of him having to go back on a respirator are very high. So we are definitely going to do our best to keep him safe and healthy this winter season! Well it's time to go get our baby back!

This was from his car seat test. He had to be in the seat for an hour and a half alarm free after a meal. Infants tend to tuck their chin down blocking off their airway, so this is one of the final tests before being discharged. He passed with flying colors!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

7 Weeks 2 Days

No more feeding tube! He is now able to eat all of his meals through a bottle. They've been preparing us for his discharge, which looks like its going to be in the next few weeks.